I love a good recommendation blog post. I always want to know what books are great, who has new music, what the latest parenting craze is ( I am almost completely certain that I will not follow it but I like to be in the know), and what are the must listen to podcasts. I'm not new to the podcast platform but I don't usually shout from the mountain tops what I'm listening to. I really enjoy podcasts that benefit my life in one way or another and I almost always stick to podcasts that are Christ center, either because the host is a Christ follower or the content is biblically focused. This just helps me personally, to not compartmentalize my life. I listen to more than 5 podcasts but these are my favorites for sure. The Mom Struggling Well Podcast is the very first podcast I ever listened to. I remember laughing out loud through the whole podcast because she was living my life. Or at least it felt like it. I love to laugh and this ...
Let's talk about the half time show, shall we? I know what you are thinking, "Not you too!!! Do we really need a million people writing about that???". To that I say, "YES". I was disappointed, appalled, grossed out, and glad we never let out children watch the half time show because, quite frankly, you never know who won't be wearing clothes. I am fully aware that we live in an over sexualized culture but does that mean we subject our families and children to what was no more than pole dancing in nothing but glitter? After one too many crotch shots that mess was removed from our TV. In my husband's words "If it isn't appropriate for our children to watch, then it isn't appropriate for us to watch." SAY IT AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. Because here is the thing, I don't want my husband watching that either. What is confusing for me is seeing people, women, on social media praising this performance as strong, a show...