Let's talk about the half time show, shall we? I know what you are thinking, "Not you too!!! Do we really need a million people writing about that???". To that I say, "YES".
I was disappointed, appalled, grossed out, and glad we never let out children watch the half time show because, quite frankly, you never know who won't be wearing clothes. I am fully aware that we live in an over sexualized culture but does that mean we subject our families and children to what was no more than pole dancing in nothing but glitter?
After one too many crotch shots that mess was removed from our TV. In my husband's words "If it isn't appropriate for our children to watch, then it isn't appropriate for us to watch." SAY IT AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. Because here is the thing, I don't want my husband watching that either.
What is confusing for me is seeing people, women, on social media praising this performance as strong, a show of female prowess, beautiful, and over all applauding this. Largely these same women that are applauding this also speak loudly against human trafficking, exploitation of women, pornography, and degradation.
Aren't we sending mixed messages? "This is okay because these women are older and look how fit they are? They look amazing! They are so strong! " While at the very same moment we are shaming men for pornography usage?
Men that view pornography were once boys and young men that were exposed to over sexualized images. This very thing that was splashed on TV's across the country. Allowed into homes and living rooms.
I'm sure I have friends that disagree with me. That's fine. We are still friends. But I'm honestly not understanding how one thing is okay and another isn't. I'm all ears for someone to explain that to me. I really do want to understand because I didn't see strength and female prowess. I didn't see beauty.
I saw women that place their value on their looks and sexuality. I saw women that were trying to prove to the world that age doesn't matter and they've still got it while subjecting the world to things that were wildly inappropriate.
I'm not a prude. I don't think that we all need to go around in turtle necks and floor length skirts but I think we need to look at the big picture. The damage that is done by things like this and the double standards that are being set.
God made us for more than this. More than our bodies, more than sexuality. There is a place for sexuality and it isn't the Super Bowl Half Time show. God made women and He loves us. He loves us, clearly, more than we love ourselves. I want to raise a son that respects women and loves them as Christ did. I want to raise daughters who place their value in whose they are, not their bodies.
That, sadly, is counter cultural.
I was disappointed, appalled, grossed out, and glad we never let out children watch the half time show because, quite frankly, you never know who won't be wearing clothes. I am fully aware that we live in an over sexualized culture but does that mean we subject our families and children to what was no more than pole dancing in nothing but glitter?
After one too many crotch shots that mess was removed from our TV. In my husband's words "If it isn't appropriate for our children to watch, then it isn't appropriate for us to watch." SAY IT AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. Because here is the thing, I don't want my husband watching that either.
What is confusing for me is seeing people, women, on social media praising this performance as strong, a show of female prowess, beautiful, and over all applauding this. Largely these same women that are applauding this also speak loudly against human trafficking, exploitation of women, pornography, and degradation.
Aren't we sending mixed messages? "This is okay because these women are older and look how fit they are? They look amazing! They are so strong! " While at the very same moment we are shaming men for pornography usage?
Men that view pornography were once boys and young men that were exposed to over sexualized images. This very thing that was splashed on TV's across the country. Allowed into homes and living rooms.
I'm sure I have friends that disagree with me. That's fine. We are still friends. But I'm honestly not understanding how one thing is okay and another isn't. I'm all ears for someone to explain that to me. I really do want to understand because I didn't see strength and female prowess. I didn't see beauty.
I saw women that place their value on their looks and sexuality. I saw women that were trying to prove to the world that age doesn't matter and they've still got it while subjecting the world to things that were wildly inappropriate.
I'm not a prude. I don't think that we all need to go around in turtle necks and floor length skirts but I think we need to look at the big picture. The damage that is done by things like this and the double standards that are being set.
God made us for more than this. More than our bodies, more than sexuality. There is a place for sexuality and it isn't the Super Bowl Half Time show. God made women and He loves us. He loves us, clearly, more than we love ourselves. I want to raise a son that respects women and loves them as Christ did. I want to raise daughters who place their value in whose they are, not their bodies.
That, sadly, is counter cultural.
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